The service will start at 4pm and will finish by 5:15pm.
We joyfully gather each week to encounter the living God, hear him speak to us by his Spirit through the Bible and to receive from him. We then respond to his goodness in prayer and praise, encourage one another and are enabled by the Holy Spirit to serve and obey God in the following week. We are a variety of ages and backgrounds, but one Christ-centred community.
The leader will welcome us and share a theme to focus our reflection and response to God. We'll praise God in sung worship, hear about what is happening in Spark's (our children's group) before they go to the hall and prayers
will be led. Then we'll hear God speak to us as a passage from the Bible
is read and explained. We'll respond to God's Word and his generosity with a song and other
ways. Announcements will be given about what is happening during the week and the children will rejoin us. The service will formally end. There is then the opportunity to stay behind after the service to chat in the church, in the hall (where refreshments will be served) or outside (if the weather permits).
You can wear whatever you feel comfortable in - we do!
You can see what the service would be like by viewing any of our recorded services.
Sparks (Ages 4 to 11)
Our provision for children during the service.
Click the Sparks image to find out more about the group and our other provision for Children & Young People.